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Doing Our Part | Aventon Gives Back

Doing Our Part | Aventon Gives Back

April 10, 2020

Making an Impact in Our Communities

“Life’s most urgent question: What are you doing for others?” –Martin Luther King Jr.


Our hearts and thoughts go out to everyone who has been impacted by this pandemic, both directly and indirectly. We know that it’s a long way to go until this is over. We want to take a moment to recognize the frontline healthcare professionals who are sacrificing their own safety and health to help those sick with the virus. We are tremendously inspired by their courageous efforts. To them, we sincerely express our gratitude and appreciation and say THANK YOU.


As the saying goes, “When life gets tough, the tough get going.” We’ve been witnessing everyone come together and help in their communities during these uncertain times and it’s truly awe-inspiring to us at Aventon.

Loma Linda University Medical Center &
Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center

As a company, we’re never one to stand by the sidelines. It is our duty and honor to give back to the communities that have supported us for so long. On Friday, April 3rd, we organized a donation drive at Loma Linda University Medical Center and Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center where supplies were running low.


The donation effort was spearheaded by Luis Razo, our Operations Manager, in honor of his wife, Gracie, who is in the frontlines of this pandemic as an RN at Loma Linda Medical Center. We were honored to provide 4,000 surgical masks and 1,000 N95 masks in total to both medical centers. We also provided two ebikes to Loma Linda for their staff to quickly get around their medical campus and deliver supplies easily. The bikes could also be used for the staff to take a quick break and clear their head with a ride.


“When we told the hospital about the mask donation, they explained they needed help transporting them and that’s when we decided to donate the two e-bikes as well,” said Razo. “I feel fortunate to work for Aventon Bikes, which cares about its community and supports a cause that is so near and dear to my heart. Aventon donating these e-bikes and masks to Loma Linda Hospital, where my wife works as an RN, reinforces its commitment to people and shows how much they care.”


JW Zhang, the founder and CEO of Aventon was fully onboard with this support, working hard to source the masks and find ways to have them shipped to use quickly, especially in a time when it was hard to find sterile, medical grade masks in high quantities. His goal was to make sure the masks were ready for immediate use at the hospital, not requiring them to be sent out to another facility for decontamination. We confirmed with Loma Linda Hospital upon receipt of the masks, that this was the case, further reinforcing our mission to act quickly. We just had another 5000 surgical masks and 2000 N95 masks delivered to our warehouse for us to donate even more, because the fight continues. We hope to be able to donate in other severely impacted communities like NY, in the coming days/weeks. Our big hearted leaders intent with the mask order was 2 fold, 1) to protect all our customers by ensuring our warehouse staff had proper safety gear, and 2) to donate to impacted hospitals that needed them to help keep our front line heroes safe.  


“I need to give back to my community here in Ontario and these masks are one resource I can donate to help” says JW. “Our hospitals are desperate for medical supplies. My wife and I want to help our community - our employees, friends, family, schools, and the country. I’m doing this because in this crisis everyone has to do their part and it’s just the right thing to do.”


In a few short weeks, we’ve already seen conditions improving as the scientists and healthcare experts predicted. Social distancing seems to be helping flatten the curve and the call for “Stay at Home” grows louder, but we want to encourage you to stay connected with each other and be grounded to yourself. If you have the resource and time, make masks at home and donate them to the other frontline workers in essential businesses such as grocery and restaurant employees. Now is the perfect time to be your best self. Practice compassion and understanding, be mindful and caring of everyone. Keep going, keep living, and keep loving everyone. Call your family and friends who you haven’t talked to in a while. Check up on your neighbors, especially the elderly. All you need to do is listen and all they might need is to hear your voice. We encourage you to schedule a virtual meeting with them. Make it a party - have coffee with them in the morning or a virtual happy hour in the evening.

With all the challenges that are still ahead, we want to assure you that Aventon remains committed to you and the communities we serve. We hope our actions and words inspire other businesses and everyone to do their part to push forward and help flatten the curve.

Kennethleesouth South July 07, 2020

Bless you guys for your contribution

Almajean Coles May 18, 2020

That’s a blessing in your heart from God to help the people who are in need.

Mary Parker May 18, 2020

Most of all I thank everyone who can and are helping the poor sick your devoted work is really making a difference I sure. Hope you all see that and I hope you all the best of health. If it weren’t for people like you we would have no survivors thank you so much for all you do. .

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